Fitbit Inspire & Inspire HR | Fitness Trackers Price: FitBit Inspire: $69.95 FitBit Inspire HR: $79.99 Description:
CalmiGo – Your Calming Companion Price: $179.00 Description: The Science Behind CalmiGo When we are anxious or feel stress, our sympathetic nervous system is activated, and as a result, our breathing rate increases [1] ; specifically, the duration of our...
Luma: Smart UV-C Disinfection Device | Indiegogo Description: Our revolutionary device is lab certified to kill bacteria and viruses using powerful UV-C lights. UV-C, a short wavelength light invisible to the human eye, kills these germs by...
Apollo Neuro | The Wearable Wellness Device For Stress Relief Price:$349 Description: Developed by physicians and neuroscientists, Apollo is a wearable wellness device that uses gentle vibrations to help your body recover from stress. Apollo’s scientifically proven technology improves heart rate...
HAELO | Symphonic Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency PEMF device Price: $2,840.00 Description: PEMF is a safe therapy that emits sound frequencies to replenish cellular health. No matter what challenges you’re ready to tackle, HAELO will optimize your life and help you succeed.
Veri Description: Veri tracks glucose to reveal the foods that help you feel and perform at your best. See your glucose levels in real-time. Instant feedback on your food choices. Check in on your Metabolic Flow. Powered by Abbott’s FreeStyle...
The Ergatta Rower Price: $2199.00 Description:
Sensate 2 Price:$249 Description: Instant calm for an anxious mind.With Sensate, you can achieve relaxation and peace in an easy, safe and enjoyable 10-minute daily session. No effort, training or experience is...
FightCamp Description: FightCamp is designed to keep you engaged, focused and in the zone. Endless variety, uplifting beats, motivating trainers and powerful technology combine to create a uniquely satisfying workout. Our Punch Trackers measure every...