Episodic use: Practices of care in self-tracking

Author(s): Nanna GormIrina Shklovski Abstract: The development of self-tracking technologies has resulted in a burst of research considering how self-tracking practices manifest themselves in everyday life. Based on a 5-month-long photo elicitation study of Danish...

Quantified Play: Self-Tracking in Videogames

Author(s): Egliston, Ben Abstract: This essay develops the concept of “quantified play” to describe and analyze the recent practice of self-tracking in the play of videogames. I argue that statistical, self-tracking utilities in videogames shape how gameplay “appears”...

Configuring personal data for a quantified-self archive

Author(s): Trace, Ciaran B.Zhang, Yan Abstract: An audience exists for personal information, including quantified-self data, beyond an individual's social network and social communities. In the era of big data, the research and policy arenas are two areas where...

HCI and Affective Health

Author(s): Sanches, PedroJanson, AxelKarpashevich, PavelNadal, CamilleQu, ChengchengRoquet, Claudia DaudénUmair, MuhammadWindlin, CharlesDoherty, GavinHöök, KristinaSas, Corina Abstract: In the last decade, the number of articles on HCI and health has increased...





