Backprop Evolution

Author(s): Alber, MaximilianBello, IrwanZoph, BarretKindermans, Pieter-JanRamachandran, PrajitLe, Quoc Abstract: The back-propagation algorithm is the cornerstone of deep learning. Despite its importance, few variations of the algorithm have been attempted. This work...

How do data come to matter? Living and becoming with personal data

Author: Deborah Lupton Abstract: Humans have become increasingly datafied with the use of digital technologies that generate information with and about their bodies and everyday lives. The onto-epistemological dimensions of human–data assemblages and their...

The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning

Author(s): Parr, TerenceHoward, Jeremy Abstract: This paper is an attempt to explain all the matrix calculus you need in order to understand the training of deep neural networks. We assume no math knowledge beyond what you learned in calculus 1, and provide links to...





