Deconstructing datafication’s brave new world

Author(s): Couldry, Nick Yu, Jun Abstract: As World Economic Forum’s definition of personal data as ‘the new “oil” – a valuable resource of the 21st century’ shows, large-scale data processing is increasingly considered the defining feature of contemporary economy and...

Automatic diagnosis of students’ misconceptions in K-8 mathematics

Author(s): Molly Q. FeldmanJi Yong ChoMonica OngSumit GulwaniZoran PopovićErik Andersen Abstract: K-8 mathematics students must learn many procedures, such as addition and subtraction. Students frequently learn "buggy" variations of these procedures, which we ideally...

A quantum of self: A study of self-quantification and self-disclosure

Author(s):  Kateryna MaltsevaChristoph Lutz Abstract:  An increasing number of people are tracking their fitness activities, work performance and leisure experiences using body sensors (e.g., wristbands or smartwatches) and mobile applications. This trend,...





