Self-monitoring of emotions: A novel personal informatics solution for an enhanced self-reporting
Author(s): Cena, FedericaLombardi, IlariaRapp, AmonSarzotti, Federico Abstract: Personal Informatics systems help people to collect personally relevant information for the purpose of self-reflection and self-knowledge. Moods and emotions are ones of the most complex...
Quantified self and comprehensive geriatric assessment: Older adults are able to evaluate their own health and functional status
Author(s): Beauchet, OlivierLaunay, Cyrille P.Merjagnan, ChristineKabeshova, AnastasiiaAnnweiler, Cédric Abstract: Background There is an increased interest of individuals in quantifying their own health and functional status. The aim of this study was to examine the...
Qualifying the quantified self-a study of conscious learning
Author(s): Kjærgaard, ThomasSorensen, Elsebeth Korsgaard Abstract: Smartphones are used by 63% of the college students in this study to create consciousness about how much they exercise, how many calories they eat, how well they sleep and how their mood is. But only...
LifeLogging: Personal big data
Author(s) Gurrin, CathalSmeaton, Alan F.Doherty, Aiden R. Abstract: We have recently observed a convergence of technologies to foster the emergence of lifelogging as a mainstream activity. Computer storage has become significantly cheaper, and advancements in sensing...
Quantified sex: a critical analysis of sexual and reproductive self-tracking using apps
Author(s): Lupton, Deborah Abstract: Digital health technologies are playing an increasingly important role in healthcare, health education and voluntary self-surveillance, self-quantification and self-care practices. This paper presents a critical analysis of one...
Taming data complexity in lifelogs: exploring visual cuts of personal informatics data
Author(s): Daniel Epstein , Felicia Cordeiro , Elizabeth Bales , James Fogarty , Sean Munson Abstract: As people continue to adopt technology based self tracking devices and applications, questions arise about how personal informatics tools can better support self...
The Case for Human-Centric Personal Analytics
Author(s): Youngki LeeRajesh Krishina Balan Abstract: The rich context provided by smartphones has enabled many new context-aware applications. However, these applications still need to provide their own mechanisms to interpret low-level sensing data and generate...
Analysis of health consumers’ behavior using self-tracker for activity, sleep, and diet
Author(s): Kim, Jeongeun Abstract: Background: With the ever-increasing availability of health information technology (HIT) enabling health consumers to measure, store, and manage their health data (e.g., self-tracking devices), more people are logging and managing...
The Quantified Self: Operationalizing the Quotidien
Author(s): Prince, J. Dale Abstract: The quantified self, or personal informatics—the tracking of aspects of daily life—is a growing movement made easier by the introduction of inexpensive technologies. A disruptive technology that has not yet reached its potential,...
Quantified self meets social media: Sharing of weight updates on twitter
Author: Wang, Yafei Weber, Ingmar Mitra, Prasenjit Abstract: The proliferation of miniaturized electronics has fueled a shift toward wearable sensors and feedback devices for the mass population. Quantified self and other similar movements involving wearable systems...