Religion and Life Satisfaction Down Under

Author: Kortt, Michael ADollery, BrianGrant, Bligh Abstract: We investigated the association between religious involvement and life satisfaction using panel data from the 2004, 2007, and 2010 waves of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA)...

Quantified Selves

Author(s): Rettberg, Jill Walker Abstract: The title of this chapter is taken from the quantified self movement, where people track and analyse aspects of their lives such as steps, travels, productivity, location, glucose, heart rate, coffee intake, sleep and more to...

Understanding the Human Machine [Commentary]

Author: Lupton, Deborah Abstract: The concepts of "self-tracking" and "the quantified self" have recently begun to emerge in discussions of how best to optimize one's life. These concepts refer to the practice of gathering data about oneself on a regular basis and...





