Long-term Compliance Habits: What Early Data Tells Us

Author(s): Faust, Louis Jiménez, Priscilla Hachen, David Lizardo, Omar Striegel, Aaron Chawla, Nitesh V Abstract: The rise in popularity of physical activity trackers provides extensive opportunities for research on personal health, however, barriers such as...

Self-reflection and personal physicalization construction

Author(s): Thudt, AliceHinrichs, UtaHuron, SamuelCarpendale, Sheelagh Abstract: Self-reflection is a central goal of personal informatics systems, and constructing visualizations from physical tokens has been found to help people reflect on data. However, so far,...

Deep learning for sentiment analysis: A survey

Author(s): Zhang, Lei Wang, Shuai Liu, Bing Abstract: Deep learning has emerged as a powerful machine learning technique that learns multiple layers of representations or features of the data and produces state‐of‐the‐art prediction results. Along with the success of...

A Survey on Neural Network-Based Summarization Methods

Author(s): Dong, Yue Abstract: Automatic text summarization, the automated process of shortening a text while reserving the main ideas of the document(s), is a critical research area in natural language processing. The aim of this literature review is to survey the...





