by Research Team | Dec 1, 2005 | Research Publications
Author(s): Leung, Beeto Wai-ChungMoneta, Giovanni B.McBride-Chang, Catherine Abstract: This study developed a dispositional path model of life satisfaction for community dwelling Chinese elderly living in Hong Kong. A sample of 117 elderly completed scales measuring...
by Research Team | Jul 29, 2005 | Research Publications
Author(s): Shalizi, Cosma R.Shalizi, Kristina Lisa Abstract: Cyclic cellular automata (CCA) are models of excitable media. Started from random initial conditions, they produce several different kinds of spatial structure, depending on their control parameters. We...
by Research Team | Mar 8, 2005 | Research Publications
Author: Peterson, Christopher Park, Nansook Seligman, Martin E. P. Abstract: Different orientations to happiness and their association with life satisfaction were investigated with 845 adults responding to Internet surveys. We measured life satisfaction and the...