by Research Team | Oct 22, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Hutton, Luke Price, Blaine A.Kelly, Ryan McCormick, Ciaran Bandara, AroshaHatzakis, TallyMeadows, Maureen Nuseibeh, Bashar Abstract: Background: The recent proliferation of self-tracking technologies has allowed individuals to generate significant...
by Research Team | Oct 17, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Heikkilä, PäiviHonka, AnitaMach, SebastianSchmalfuß, FranziskaKaasinen, EijaVäänänen, Kaisa Abstract: Following the Quantified Self trend, everyday self-tracking practices have become common. Still, self-monitoring of people at work is a rather new research...
by Research Team | Oct 11, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Fahim Kawsar; Chulhong Min; Akhil Mathur; Alessandro Montanari Abstract: The rise of consumer wearables promises to have a profound impact on peoples lives by going beyond counting steps. Wearables such as eSense-an in-ear multisensory stereo device-for...
by Research Team | Oct 6, 2018 | Research Publications
Author: Yuxin Wu Kaiming He Abstract: Batch Normalization (BN) is a milestone technique in the development of deep learning, enabling various networks to train. However, normalizing along the batch dimension introduces problems—BN’s error increases rapidly when the...
by Research Team | Sep 24, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Chan, JanetJohns, FleurMoses, Lyria Bennett Abstract: Since the 1980s, higher education institutions in many developed Western countries have been facing competition for resources, have undergone economic rationalisation, adopted a New Public Management...