by Research Team | Jul 2, 2018 | Research Publications
Author Kathryn Montgomery Jeff Chester Katharina Kopp Abstract Wearable fitness devices have the potential to address some of the most challeng-ing public health problems in the United States. But they also raise serious pri-vacy concerns. The data they collect can be...
by Research Team | Jun 28, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Zambaldi, ViniciusRaposo, DavidSantoro, AdamBapst, VictorLi, YujiaBabuschkin, IgorTuyls, KarlReichert, DavidLillicrap, TimothyLockhart, EdwardShanahan, MurrayLangston, VictoriaPascanu, RazvanBotvinick, MatthewVinyals, OriolBattaglia, Peter Abstract: We...
by Research Team | Jun 27, 2018 | Research Publications
Author: Joanna Sleigh Abstract: Technological developments, such as the advent of social networking sites, apps, and tracking ‘cookies’, enable the generation and collection of unprecedented quantities of rich personal and behavioural data, opening up a...
by Research Team | Jun 14, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Samerski, Silja Abstract: This article examines how digital epidemiology and eHealth coalesce into a powerful health surveillance system that fundamentally changes present notions of body and health. In the age of Big Data and Quantified Self, the...
by Research Team | Jun 6, 2018 | Research Publications
Author Gao, Jianfeng Galley, Michel Li, Lihong Abstract The present paper surveys neural approaches to conversational AI that have been developed in the last few years. We group conversational systems into three categories: (1) question answering agents, (2)...