- Huuskonen, Pertti
- Häkkilä, Jonna
- Cheverst, Keith
Personal health monitoring is a hot topic. With bracelets and other wearables, we keep track of our heart rate, exercising, sleep, and more. We are becoming our own doctors and coaches. Improving citizens’ health brings the society significant savings, besides healthier citizens. Health data also has important value beyond healthcare, e.g. in insurance and advertising. However, risks on privacy, data management, information interpretation and incorrect health diagnosis and treatments exist. This panel discusses the promise and risks related to mobile health apps, highlighting both research and industrial aspects related to the current trends.
- Ahtinen, A., Huuskonen, P., Häkkilä, J. 2010. Let’s All Get Up and Walk to the North Pole: Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Wellness Application. In Proc. NordiCHI 2010, 3–12. ACM.
- Cheverst, K., Byun, H. E., Fitton, D., Sas, D., Kray, C., Villar, N. 2005. Exploring Issues of User Model Transparency and Proactive Behaviour in an Office Environment Control System. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 15, 3–4 (Aug 2005), 235–273.
- Consolvo, S. Everitt, K., Smith, I., Landay, J.A. 2006. Design Requirements for Technologies that Encourage Physical Activity. In Proc. CHI’06. ACM.
- Häkkilä, J., Colley, A., Inget, V., Alhonsuo, M., Rantakari, J. 2015. Exploring Digital Service Concepts for Healthy Lifestyles. In Proc. HCI International 2015, Springer.
- Kay, J., Kummerfeld, B. 2013. Creating personalized systems that people can scrutinize and control: Drivers, principles and experience. ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst. 2, 4, Article 24 (Jan 2013), 42 pages
- Kyoung Choe, E., Lee, N. B., Lee, B., Pratt, W., Kientz, J. A. 2014. Understanding quantified-selfers’ practices in collecting and exploring personal data. In Proc. CHI 2014, 1143–1152
- Li, I., Dey, A. K., Forlizzi, J. 2011. Understanding my data, myself: supporting self-reflection with ubicomp technologies. In Proc. Ubicomp 2011, 405–414
- Nylander, S., Jacobsson, M., Tholander, J. 2014. Runright: real-time visual and audio feedback on running. In CHI’14 Extended Abstracts, 583–586.
- (Last accessed: July 15, 2015)