Nowadays, designing and developing wearable devices that could detect many types of diseases has become inevitable for E-health field. The decision-making of those wearable devices is done by various levels of analysis of enormous databases of human health records. Systems that demand a huge number of input data to decide to require real-time data collected from devices, processes, and analyzing the data. Many researchers utilize the Internet of Things (IoT) in medical wearable devices to detect different diseases by using different sensors together for one goal. The IoT promises to revolutionize the lifestyle using a wealth of new services, based on interactions between large numbers of devices data. The proposed work is human monitor system to track the human body troubles. Smart wearable devices can provide users with overall health data, and alerts from sensors to notify them on their mobile phones accordingly. The proposed system developed a technique using Internet of Things technique to decrease the load on IOT network and decrease the overall cost of the users. The simulation results proved that the proposed system could provide identical communication for IOT devices even if many nodes are used.
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