
Raphael Tackx

Leo Blondel

Marc Santolini


Understanding team collaboration processes is key for the development of new technologies towards increasing groups effectiveness. In particular, the need and challenges of coordinating potentially large-scale, self-organized, collaborative initiatives have been made even more salient by the COVID-19 pandemic. Key to this challenge is the difficulty for participants to situate themselves within the larger social context. At the individual level, the Quantified-Self movement has showcased how insights from one’s own data can trigger changes in behavior, sometimes leading to fundamental insights through self-research. Building on these premises, here we present CoSo (Collaborative Sonar), a digital platform for participatory collective sensing and social research. CoSo is a web and mobile data collection platform for team network reconstruction and visualization. It leverages a “group-in-the-loop” intrinsic motivator to collect data on collaborative activities performed by a team through a mobile app, with summary statistics and visualizations of the collected data made available on a web dashboard. We showcase its use and discuss the perspectives offered by promoting group-level metacognition and collective introspection. By highlighting the invisible relationships in a group, CoSo facilitates in-the-wild studies, remote/hybrid data collection, and multi-modal sensing approaches of group interactions within professional and other social contexts.


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