by Research Team | Apr 1, 2020 | Research Publications
Author(s): Justin Petelka Lucy Van Kleunen Liam Albright Elizabeth Murnane Stephen Voida Jaime Snyder Abstract: Research in personal informatics (PI) calls for systems to support social forms of tracking, raising questions about how privacy can and should support...
by Research Team | Apr 1, 2020 | Research Publications
Author(s): Yuhan Luo Bongshin Lee Eun Kyoung Choe Abstract: Smart speakers such as Amazon Echo present promising opportunities for exploring voice interaction in the domain of in-home exercise tracking. In this work, we examine if and how voice interaction complements...
by Research Team | Mar 31, 2020 | Research Publications
Author(s): Jean-François De MoyaJessie Pallud Abstract: In this research, we investigate whether quantified-self (QS) technologies, based on wearable technologies, enable individuals’ empowerment or lead to their disempowerment. To understand better the...
by Research Team | Mar 18, 2020 | Research Publications
Author(s): Zilu Liang Bernd Ploderer Abstract: Consumer sleep-tracking devices provide an unobtrusive and affordable way to learn about personal sleep habits. Recent research focused primarily on the information provided by such devices, i.e., whether the information...
by Research Team | Mar 14, 2020 | Research Publications
Author(s): Jochen MeyerJudy KayDaniel A. EpsteinParisa EslambolchilarLie Ming Tang Abstract: As self-tracking has evolved from a niche movement to a mass-market phenomenon, it has become possible for people to track a broad range of activities and vital parameters...
by Research Team | Feb 25, 2020 | Research Publications
Author(s): Evgeniya G. Nim Abstract: The article examines how Russian students comprehend and use digital technologies for self-tracking (mobile apps, smart wristbands, smartwatches) allowing them to receive behavioral biometrics data. The study presents the results...