by Research Team | Dec 5, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Johnna Blair, B.S Yuhan Luo, M.S Ning F. Ma, B.A Sooyeon Lee, B.S Eun Kyoung Choe, Ph.D Abstract: When a self-monitoring tool is used to enhance behavior awareness, the tool should afford reflection by design. This work examines the “valence of meal” (i.e.,...
by Research Team | Nov 14, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Dargazany, ArasStegagno, PaoloMankodiya, Kunal Abstract: This work introduces Wearable deep learning (WearableDL) that is a unifying conceptual architecture inspired by the human nervous system, offering the convergence of deep learning (DL),...
by Research Team | Nov 6, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Urteaga, IñigoMcKillop, MollieLipsky-Gorman, SharonElhadad, Noémie Abstract: We investigate the use of self-tracking data and unsupervised mixed-membership models to phenotype endometriosis. Endometriosis is a systemic, chronic condition of women in...
by Research Team | Nov 6, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Miolane, NinaMathe, JohanDonnat, ClaireJorda, MikaelPennec, Xavier Abstract: We introduce geomstats, a python package that performs computations on manifolds such as hyperspheres, hyperbolic spaces, spaces of symmetric positive definite matrices and Lie...
by Research Team | Nov 4, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Monika Imschloss Jana Lorenz Abstract: Background: Goal setting is among the most common behavioral change techniques employed in contemporary self-tracking apps. For these techniques to be effective, it is relevant to understand how the visual presentation...
by Research Team | Nov 1, 2018 | Research Publications
Author(s): Elizabeth L. Murnane Tara G. Walker Beck Tench Stephen Voida Jaime Snyder Abstract: Personal informatics systems for supporting health largely grew out of a “self”-centric orientation: self-tracking, self-reflection, self-knowledge,...