
  • Farhat-ul-Ain
  • Kristjan Port
  • Vladimir Tomberg


Purpose: Self-monitoring is one of the most effective behavior change techniques to enhance awareness and task motivation. Wearable devices provide a unique opportunity for individuals to self-monitoring compared to traditional record-keeping methods. Furthermore, digital self-monitoring helps to engage with the technologies/intelligent systems to track, collect, monitor, and display information about daily activities. This study aimed to implement a quantified self-approach for university students to explore changes in students’ attitudes and perceptions after self-monitoring of physical activity. Method: 70 university students were recruited in the study. The study was divided into four stages i. Preparation stage: participants filled out pre-survey and were instructed to use a step counter or any other fitness tracker over three weeks. ii. Collection stage: participants monitored themselves regularly for three weeks. iii. Integration stage: The collected data was analyzed and transformed for users to reflect on. iv. Reflection stage: participants reflected on the findings in a post-survey. Results: 47% of study participants reported that self-monitoring raised awareness related to physical activity in study participants. 54% of study participants felt the urge to increase physical activity after self-monitoring. Before and after self-monitoring, there was no change in the perception of being more physically active. Conclusion: The study suggested that self-quantification can raise awareness related to physical activity. Longitudinal studies can be designed to explore how self-quantification approaches would be utilized for long-term self-reflection.



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