
  • Luke McCully
  • Hung Cao
  • Monica Wachowicz
  • Patricia A.H. Williams
  • Stephanie Champion



A new research domain known as the Quantified Self has recently emerged and is described as gaining self-knowledge through using wearable technology to acquire information on self-monitoring activities and physical health related problems. However, very little is known about the impact of time window models on discovering self-quantified patterns that can yield new self-knowledge insights. This paper aims to discover the self-quantified patterns using multi-time window models.


This paper proposes a multi-time window analytical workflow developed to support the streaming k-means clustering algorithm, based on an online/offline approach that combines both sliding and damped time window models. An intervention experiment with 15 participants is used to gather Fitbit data logs and implement the proposed analytical workflow.


The clustering results reveal the impact of a time window model has on exploring the evolution of micro-clusters and the labelling of macro-clusters to accurately explain regular and irregular individual physical behaviour.


The preliminary results demonstrate the impact they have on finding meaningful patterns.



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