
  • Elina Kuosmanen
  • Aku Visuri
  • Saba Kheirinejad
  • Niels van Berkel
  • Heli Koskimäki
  • Denzil Ferreira
  • Simo Hosio


A new generation of wearable devices now enable end-users to keep track of their sleep patterns. This paper reports on a longitudinal study of 82 participants who used a state-of-the-art sleep tracking ring for an average of 65 days. We conducted interviews and questionnaires to understand changes to their lifestyle, their perceptions of the tracked information and sleep, and the overall experience of using an unobtrusive sleep tracking device. Our results indicate that such a device is suitable for long-term sleep tracking and helpful in identifying detrimental lifestyle elements that hinder sleep quality. However, tracking one’s sleep can also introduce stress or physical discomfort, potentially leading to adverse outcomes. We discuss these findings in light of related work and highlight the near-term research directions that the rapid commoditisation of sleep tracking technology enables.


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