
  • Ricardo Ribiero
  • Alina Trifan
  • Antonio J. R. Neves


Research on retrieving data and analyzing lifelogs revealed to be a very complex task, and the interdisciplinary challenges to be tackled have boosted increasing attention from the scientific community in information retrieval and lifelogging. The Lifelog Search Challenge is an international competition for lifelog retrieval in which researchers propose their approaches and compete to solve lifelog retrieval challenges and evaluate the effectiveness of their systems. In this paper, we present the MEMORIA computational tool to participate for the first time in the Lifelog Search Challenge 2022. The information retrieval is based on the search of keywords and time periods and several computer vision methods are used to process visual lifelogs, from pre-processing algorithms to feature extraction methods, in order to enrich the annotation of the lifelogs. Preliminary experimental results of the user interaction with our retrieval module are presented, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approach and showing the most relevant functionalities of the system.


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