- Chelsea A Carpenter
- Umelo A Ugwoaba
- Michelle I Cardel
- Kathryn M Ross
Self-monitoring of weight, dietary intake, and physical activity is a key strategy for weight management in adults with obesity. Despite research suggesting consistent associations between more frequent self-monitoring and greater success with weight regulation, adherence is often suboptimal and tends to decrease over time. New technologies such as smartphone applications, e-scales, and wearable devices can help eliminate some of the barriers individuals experience with traditional self-monitoring tools, and research has demonstrated that these tools may improve self-monitoring adherence. To improve the integration of these tools in clinical practice, the current narrative review introduces the various types of self-monitoring technologies, presents current evidence regarding their use for nutrition support and weight management, and provides guidance for optimal implementation. The review ends with a discussion of barriers to the implementation of these technologies and the role that they should optimally play in nutritional counseling and weight management. Although newer self-monitoring technologies may help improve adherence to self-monitoring, these tools should not be viewed as an intervention in and of themselves and are most efficacious when implemented with ongoing clinical support.
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