by Research Team | Nov 28, 2019 | Research Publications
Author(s): Heyen, Nils B. Abstract: This article explores the production and type of knowledge acquired in the course of specific digital self-tracking activities that resemble research and are common among followers of the Quantified Self movement. On the basis of...
by Research Team | Nov 22, 2019 | Research Publications
Author(s): Lupton, Deborah Abstract: Self-tracking practices have attracted burgeoning academic interest in recent years. This article draws on interviews with Australians who identify as regular self-trackers, examining the ways in which they describe their...
by Research Team | Nov 20, 2019 | Research Publications
Author(s): Minca, ClaudioRoelofsen, Maartje Abstract: Provocatively drawing inspiration from an episode of the Netflix series Black Mirror and China’s Social Credit System this article critically examines the politics and practices of datafication, quantification and...
by Research Team | Nov 19, 2019 | Research Publications
Author(s): Francisco Monteiro-Guerra Octavio Rivera-Romero Luis Fernandez-Luque Brian Caulfield Abstract: Mobile monitoring for health and wellness is becoming more sophisticated and accurate, with an increased use of real-time personalization technologies that may...
by Research Team | Nov 15, 2019 | Research Publications
Author(s): Sysling, Fenneke Abstract: This article introduces the papers contained in this special issue and explores a new field of interest in the history of science: that of measurement and self-making. In this special issue, we aim to show that a focus on...
by Research Team | Nov 2, 2019 | Research Publications
Author(s): Aylin Ilhan Kaja Joanna Fietkiewicz Abstract: Nowadays, many people have to increasingly deal with the question “How can I improve my health?” Fortunately, the market for wearable technologies (e.g., Fitbit or Garmin) supports people by enabling them to...